nedjelja, 26. studenoga 2023.



Do sada je u izraelskom genocidu nad narodom Gaze pobijeno preko 7 hiljada djece. A koliko će ih još biti ubijeno do kraja ostaje nepoznat broj. Ovo su samo neka od te djece koje su nacisti Bliskog istoka smišljeno i planirano pobili, kako bi ispunili svoj primarni cilj da  u potpunosti unište palestinski narod.

srijeda, 8. studenoga 2023.


I sincerely believe that after the Israeli genocide against the people of Gaza, not a single normal and conscientious person in this world will be able to say anything credible in defense of the Jews. Because, finally, after so many decades of playing the victim, the Jews have shown their true colors quite openly. Now the whole world has seen that it is a nation that is carrying out the greatest war horrors in the Middle East, which in terms of brutality have surpassed even those of the United States or of ISIL.

Right now, it is crystal clear to everyone that anti-Semitism does not exist, but that it is a deliberate political and media hoax, that is, moral blackmail against those who would like to point out terrible Jewish crimes. Namely, Jews still want to play victims and at the same time be the biggest monsters and murderers. In this respect, they surpassed the so-called "Islamic terrorists" because no one kills children and civilians, destroys entire families, turns their houses and lives into dust better than the Jews, known as the Nazis of the Middle East.

That's Israel, that's the Jews. This is their true face. Look at how much they enjoy killing, torturing, genocide. Who can call Israel the "holy land" now. Who? Israel is the country of the most disgusting people in the world, and the country where thousands and thousands of innocent Palestinian children have been systematically killed. Israel is a land of blood and death. It is time for a general petition to bring Israel before the International Criminal Court and prosecute them for genocide. If this does not happen, then there is no point in threatening Russia, because the Russians in Ukraine did not commit even 20 percent of the crimes that the Jews did in Gaza.

ponedjeljak, 6. studenoga 2023.


 Iskreno vjerujem da nakon izraelskog genocida nad narodom Gaze više niti jedan normalan i savjestan čovjek ovog svijeta neće moći kazati ništa održivo u odbranu Jevreja. Jer, napokon, poslije toliko decenija glumljenja žrtve, Jevreji su pokazali svoje pravo lice. Sada je cijeli svijet vidio da je to narod koji provodi najveće ratne užase na Bliskom istoku koji su po svojoj brutalnosti nadmašili čak i one američke ili od ISIL-a.

Upravo sada svima je postalo kristalno jasno da antisemitizam ne postoji nego je to smišljena političko-medijska podvala odnosno moralna ucjena protiv onih koji bi htjeli ukazati drugima na jevrejske zločine. Naime, Jevreji i dalje žele glumiti žrtve a istovremeno biti najveći monstrumi i ubice. Po tome su nadmašili tzv "islamske teroriste" jer niko bolje od Jevreja, poznatih kao nacisti Bliskog istoka, ne ubija djecu i civile, uništava kompletne familije, pretvara u prah njihove kuće i živote.

To vam je Izrael, to su vam Jevreji. Ovo je njihovo pravo lice. Gledajte ih koliko uživaju u ubijanju, mučenju, u genocidu. Ko sada može Izrael nazvati "svetom zemljom". Ko? Izrael je zemlja genocida, i zemlja u kojoj su sistematski ubijene hiljade i hiljade nevine palestinske djece.

Izrael je zemlja krvi i smrti, najmonstruoznijeg naroda kojeg bilježi moderna istorija. Vrijeme je za opštu peticiju da se Izrael izvede pred međunarodni kazneni sud i procesuiše za genocid. Ne dogodi li se to onda nema nikakvog smisla prijetiti Rusiji jer Rusi u Ukrajini nisu učinili niti 20 posto zločina koliko su ih Jevreji učinili u Gazi.