nedjelja, 21. lipnja 2020.

How to make a talisman?

Before each magical work, in this case the making of a talisman, it is necessary to say the prayer of El Fatiha and dedicate it to the spiritual teachers.

For a good part of the talisman it is not necessary to pay attention to the hour of making, especially not for those who make up the magic square (wafk), instead it is enough to take into account which day it is. If you are making a love talisman then Friday is chosen as the day to make the talisman, or for career success and money one should choose Thursday, etc.

Although talismans are written in saffron ink, some of them can also be written in plain pencil, red or black ink. It is known that persons who communicate with spirits have a pact; they make talismans at any time and with any pencil. The reason for this is in the trade between man and spirit, for every service the wizard must do what the spirit asks of him. In this case, the talisman is just a mere formality.

In the rituals of black magic, the wizard sits on the Qur'an before summoning the jinn in order to stop the jinn from asking him for some other service such as incest, homosexuality, etc. You need to be aware of the fact that many of you, who are interested in Arabic magic and talismans, just want what black magic offers like gaining someone’s love, revealing hidden treasure, revenge on enemies, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to know that in the magical world, nothing is obtained for free and everything is charged.

If it is not an option for you to work with evil spirits, but only with the positive ones, then you must adhere to working with the planets (hour, day, scent), use saffron ink, rose water and musk, perform religious duties, fast and persistently repeat prayers.

My advice to you is to make only one talisman in one day, preferably at dawn, in that short time when the night stops and the light appears.

Then move away from the talisman. Before rewinding it into a triangle or square shape, place it in the smoke of incense, so that the paper absorbs the smell into itself.