utorak, 2. travnja 2024.


Napad Izraela na Gazu u cilju etničkog čišćenja, koji je rezultirao stravičnim genocidom nad palestinskim narodom, kakav nije zabilježen od genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini devedesetih godina prošlog vijeka, u potpunosti je ogolio i napokon skinuo višedecenijsku masku jevrejskog naroda  kao „žrtve“. Naime, cijeli svijet je svjedočio najbrutalnijim zločinima koje su izraelski vojnici činili nad palestinskim civilima gdje su nemilosrdno razarali stambene objekte, bolnice, kuće i zgrade koristeći sve vrste bombi i naoružanja. Ubijali su doslovno sve pred sobom, zakopavali žive ljude, mučili ih, odsjecali im ruke, noge, vezali ih gole, silovali djecu, ubijali bolesnike u bolnicama, koristili glad da muče ionako siromašan i u svemu zakinut narod …. Najužasniji zločini su počinjeni u Gazi uz svesrdnu podršku USA i EU, isti onih zemalja  koji nam decenijama serviraju lažne priče o demokratiji, poštivanju ljudskih prava, prava čovjeka, prava naroda na opstanak i slobodan život. Sada ste svi vidjeti na ovom stravičnom primjeru da demokratija i poštivanje ljudskog prava, a posebno ljudskog života, ne postoji. Posebno ako se radi o životima muslimana. Zato im ne dozvolite da vas i dalje lažu!

Genocid u Gazi se desio. I za to nam ne treba nikakva presuda Međunarodnog suda za ratne zločine. U ovom slučaju nikakva presuda ne može negirati genocid i ubijanje preko 35 hiljada civila. Jer ovo je zapravo bio genocid u pravom svom opisu; ovdje je izraelska vojska sistematski ubijala djecu, žene, starce, obične civile. Vrlo dobro je Izrael, kao i cijeli svijet, znao situaciju u Gazi, da je to najveći koncentracijski logor od 2006.godine gdje narod živi u vrlo teškim okolnostima, doslovno u nehumanim uslovima. Gaza je gusto naseljena i svaki napad na Gazu je oduvijek bio isključivo napad na civile. To smo svi znali. To vrlo dobro zna i Izrael. No, Jevrejima je najvažnija ideja oduvijek bila pobiti što više Palestinaca, kako bi mogli oteti još palestinske zemlje i proširiti svoju umjetnu tvorevinu zvanu Izrael.  Iako tradicionalno vješti u glumljenju žrtve ovog puta nisu mogli više igrati svoju dobro savladanu ulogu, nego su skinuli maske i pokazali cijelom svijetu, uz vojni i politički blagoslov USA, svoje pravo brutalno i krvoločno lice. Da, ovo su pravi Jevreji, onakvi kakvi su oni oduvijek i bili, i prije Hitlera i nakon Hitlera. Nikada oni nisu bili nikakve žrtve nego samo vješti manipulatori, lopovi, lažovi, kriminalci i ubice.

Za počinjeni genocid u Gazi osim Jevreja direktnu krivicu imaju i USA kao i mnoge zemlje EU posebno UK, Francuska, Njemačka i Austrija… Ono su direktni sudionici masovnih zločina uz čiju je vojnu i političku pomoć taj isti genocid izvršen. Svima u svijetu treba biti jasno da je ovdje riječ o jednoj te istoj političkoj i vojnoj bandi koja nema niti malo humanosti, ljudskosti, morala. Svega onoga o čemu vole pričati u Bruxellesu i Washingtonu. Prvo naoružaju Izrael i dozvole mu da napadne Gazu i počini genocid a onda onima koji su preživjeli ili se bore da prežive šalju humanitarnu pomoć, kako bi pred javnosti pokušali sebe prikazati kao plemenite i dobre zemlje. Ne, oni to nisu.! Sve te zemlje i njihove vlade su nacističke jer samo nacisti mogu počiniti takav genocid nad siromašnim i potpuno vojno nemoćnim narodom.

Vrijeme je za pobunu, vrijeme je da se digne glas protiv genocida, protiv nacista u Tel Avivu, u Bruxellesu i Washingtonu jer ti pokvareni i zli ljudi vode našu cijelu civilizaciju u dehumanizaciju, propast i krvoproliće. Nikada nećemo zaboraviti genocid u Gazi i naša je dužnost da za njega plate oni koji su ga počinili. Ne smijemo nacistima i zločincima dozvoliti da se nekažnjeno izvuku iz krvi najvećeg genocida koji se desio u prvoj polovini 21.vijeka. Izvršite pritisak na svoje političare i vlade da se suprostave izraelskom nacizmu i da svi oni koji su ubijali palestinski narod završe tamo gdje im je i mjesto – u zatvoru. Ne smijemo nikada zaboraviti ili negirati genocid u Gazi, najstrašniji događaj koji se desio pred očima cijelog svijeta. Jevreji su ubice i zločinci. Skinuli su svoje maske. Sada im pokažimo kako normalni ljudi postupaju sa takvim ološem.

srijeda, 31. siječnja 2024.


 So far, 25 thousand Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza genocide, of which 10 thousand are children. And all this happened before the eyes of the civilized and democratic world. The genocide in Gaza revealed several important pieces of information:

- The USA is an enemy of Muslims, as is Saudi Arabia, which gave its blessing to the genocide.

- The USA and EU allow genocide in Gaza

- Israel has finally crossed paths with its Holocaust past, and from being a victim of genocide, the Jews have become a nation that commits genocide.

- Anti-Semitism has become a myth.

Believe me, whoever mentions anti-Semitism is actually a Nazi and justifies the genocide in Gaza. And none of us should allow that.
Yesterday there was genocide in Bosnia, today it is in Gaza, and tomorrow???


Austria known as the homeland of Adolf Hitler continues to play double games to protect Israel and support the genocide of the Palestinian people. Namely, a law was recently passed in Austria that prohibits the display of the Hammas symbol, i.e. everything that has to do with Palestine and its people, but that is why there are still street names in Vienna and Austria that bear the names of Nazi leaders. From this, it is clear that Austria has never and will never renounce its Nazi past and that it will always be on the side of other Nazis, especially the Jews known as the Nazis of the Middle East. According to Austria's interpretation, the genocide of the Palestinian people is permitted and justified. But it is absolutely not allowed to say anything against the Jews who are carrying out that genocide because it is obvious that the Austrian government and politics can no longer hide their hatred towards Muslims. This hatred is becoming more and more pronounced every year in the public discourse of this Nazi country. That is why any country in the world that leads a war and genocide against Muslims can expect support and help from Austria. Keep that in mind. All Arab countries should treat Austria exactly as Austria treats Muslims and publicly call it out for its Nazism and support of Israel for the genocide in Gaza.

The EU also constantly plays double games, blaming immigrants for not wanting to assimilate into European society, without asking what the reason is. Of course, immediate explanations are everywhere but in the right place. The only reason is that the EU financially and militarily helps Israel, which has been carrying out ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine for over 75 years. This is the primary reason why immigrants do not want to assimilate into a society that participates in their destruction. The EU would literally exploit immigrants for low-paid jobs and then send the money they make to Israel to continue killing people in the Middle East.

Double games and double standards must stop, especially because there are more and more Muslims in the EU every year and it is finally time for European society to stop being Nazi. EU and USA democracy is not real, but a fake democracy that is subordinated to only one group of people - and those people must be white, Christian, and come from rich EU countries. Or they must be Jews. Let's remember that famous humorous statement that we can hear from the Americans or the EU, I quote: "Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East". I think the statement says it all, but I will explain: Israel, where apartheid has been ruling for decades, where ethnic cleansing has been carried out for 75 years and is currently a genocide, a country that attacks neighboring countries without any reason, appropriates other people's territories, such as the Golan Heights, etc., and then that country is a true example of democracy for the West?! We, normal people, see a completely different situation which is catastrophic, where Israel has been terrorizing and killing people for decades, day in and day out, claiming to be threatened??? Imagine, a bully claims that he has to destroy others because he is threatened, even though he has all possible American weapons and protection behind him.

No, Israel is not threatened, but the Jews are a people who enjoy stealing from others. They even steal organs from the bodies of murdered Palestinians. Jews like to kill, torture, and pretend that they are special and all-powerful and that no one can do anything to them. They enjoy the myths and legends they invented and consider themselves a super race. It's no wonder that Hitler saw them as competition for his fantasy of a super race. Today, we all know that there is no real difference between Hitler and Netanyahu, between Nazis and Jews. It's all the same waste, it's all the same criminals and monsters.